Julio's ceramic workshop started as a dream 15 years ago.

Julio graduated from TEC de Monterrey with a degree in Industrial Engineering and almost upon finishing his studies he had the opportunity to go to the United States to do his internship and work in various places to support his expenses.

Being in the US changed his chip. He returned to Mexico and wanted to start from scratch. He began by making ceramic piggy banks and was going to sell them at sales events in different municipalities of Guanajuato. It all started with a small oven outside his father's warehouse. Julio bought his ceramic paste, took his little pigs out of the oven and tried to sell them at fairs.

“En esta vida todo está enlazado….Mis primeros clientes fueron unos americanos”.

— Julio César Espinosa

On some occasion he participated in an expo and got a couple of important clients from the US who lived in San Miguel de Allende and came from New York; with them he began to make torches for citronella and pots of various types. Julio sold them many times.

Unfortunately his clients were kidnapped and they decided to sell their company; Julio had lost his best customer and had to continue looking for new and good customers.

“Gracias a la calidad, al esfuerzo y al trabajo que hemos tenido, hemos ido posicionando nuestro trabajo, ahora trabajamos para muchas empresas importantes, tiendas de prestigio y muchos restauranteros en Estados Unidos.”

— Julio César Espinosa

Julio also exports his pieces to Canada, Colombia, France, Spain, Russia, London... various countries.

With his first client, Julio did not charge for all the samples he made; and just when he was getting demotivated, the client made him a quite big order.

Julio did not have enough money for all the development and infrastructure that this order required.

The client gave him the blank checks and Julio filled them out according to what he was stating he needed with all the notes as receipts.

“Fue algo muy bonito contar con ese apoyo, nunca fallamos en nada. El trabajo que hicimos con él fue algo increíble. Hoy en día trabajamos esas antorchas para otro cliente en Miami. Fueron un éxito esas piezas”.

— Julio César Espinosa


Desde que era niño, a Julio le gustaba hacer cosas de papel, armar carritos de madera y demás cosas artísticas. ´Su padre trabajaba en la ingeniería de las máquinas para una azulejera importante, les daba mantenimiento y las arreglaba y julio le aprendió un poco a eso, pero en realidad, lo que a él le apasiona es la cerámica y la creación de piezas nuevas.

Para Julio, la cerámica es algo mágico. El ver cómo cada polvo tiene un fin en la fórmula, saber que son tierras y que tienen la capacidad de fundirse y generar algo totalmente distinto a su origen es algo que le apasiona.

Julio has creativity and artistical part in his blood and he has also learned a lot from his clients' ideas, but the knowledge of his career has allowed him to master the part of the processes, organization and methodologies in his workshop.

“Llegar al taller temprano y abrir un horno, para mí es como si hubieran llegado los Reyes. Es esperar con ansias y saber cómo van a salir las piezas”.

— Julio César Espinosa